And soon.
Last night, at 12:10 AM (thus making it actually Saturday), I got an text message from Trogdor that said "Happy Friday!" This annoyed me. First, it was late (I was still up, but whatevs) and secondly, it's not like it was even Friday anymore. I know I'm just looking for excuses now. Then I came home and went online to check my email and he IMed me. I was a little not in my right mind (I had some fun at my coworker's house...which sounds weird. It was.) and I couldn't be trusted to talk to him. I know now that if I told him what I did last night, he would probably stop talking to me and that would solve my problem. I don't know if I want to be that mean. If you want to know what I did, tell me and I'll tell you. I shouldn't be posting it in this blog. It's not dirty weird sex or anything. I would totally post that in a blog. HA.

A couple days ago he sent me another text message that said "Happy Hot Dog Day!" My college is weird and doesn't have a "spring weekend". They have Hot Dog Day. I really wanted to go to Hot Dog Day, but since I'm going to see one of my college friends next weekend, I really couldn't afford two roadtrips in two weeks. Gas is like, $4/gallon and I drive an SUV. So, you do the math. The last thing I wanted to hear when I so desperately wanted to to AU was a reminder of HDD. I just wanted to be there, experiencing college (since I apparently can't cut the cord and let go already) and he's reminding me of it. I think what bothers me the most is that he acts like he understands all which is HDD...and he doesn't. He didn't even GO to my college. He's just trying to force himself into situations where he doesn't belong. He can't understand because he wasn't there. And yes, it's only a spring weekend at a college, but it was something special and original to my college. That might be the main reason why I miss it so much. It would be like going away with some friends and having the time of your life. On your return, you tell someone that didn't come along on the trip all the fun you had. Then that person is always like "hey, don't forget PARIS!" and you keep on thinking "YOU WEREN'T THERE!" Regardless, I didn't want him to think he was in on some inside joke that he doesn't even begin to get.
I know what I've said is totally me being a brat. I don't care. I know I need to have this conversation with him. I guess I would have figured out if someone went from wanting to talk to me to not talking to me at all, I would think something is up. He doesn't get that.