Summer told me I should blog about this stuff I've been bitching about. But first, I must say that I met Trogdor. He did not burninate anything. Actually, he's pretty okay. But my fear was that he would be like the hipster and be a paper boyfriend. What's a paper boyfriend you ask? Well, it's a guy that looks so much better on paper than he does in real life. And it's not just that he's hotter in a picture than he is in person. Of course, with the hipster, that totally was the case. But I digress. On paper (or on the computer screen), he comes off as being totally charming and smart and full of qualities that you would want another person to have. You become smitten with this idea of some person because you think they have all the things you want. It's a total disappointment when you realize that whoever you have made this person out to be falls so short of want you want. I think part of it comes from the fact that when you're online, seperated by a computer screen, you can be whatever you want. Thus, the problem with online dating. At the same time, this could also happen with actual people you meet. Just an idea I'm throwing out there.
I thought that Trogdor, being so witty and funny when I've talked to him would totally fail to be that same person in person last night. He actually didn't. He isn't starting out to be a paper boyfriend. He's so much cooler than Ryan. He can carry on a conversation and generally entertain me. We all know how important that is. Also, I have so much more in common with Trogdor than with Ryan. So that's another point for Trogdor. Now it comes down to breaking this to Ryan. Ryan emails me a lot though and he hasn't done that much in the past 2 days. Maybe he was busy, I don't know. He keeps on asking me to come over or to go out to lunch or something like that. And since I'm starting to think that he's not for me, I'm just not finding time to do those things. I think he wanted to go out last night but I told him that I was going out with the girls (not entirely a lie). He wanted to do lunch today, but I had plans. The point is that if I really actually liked him, I would make time. I'm not making time. For a while, I thought that if I just stopped having time that he would stop asking. Maybe it is working out that way. I'm not lying all the time, I've been really busy for most of the month of March. Ryan wants to hang out on week nights, which kill me. I've been trying to get back to the gym, so I like to do that at night, not drive 45 minutes to another planet to just do nothing.
I guess I just have a lot of thinking to do tonight about how to tell someone I really just don't care anymore. Also, to think about what the hell to say to Trogdor. I can tell I will be having fun!
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