Monday, March 24, 2008

This is why POF is sucky

There's this guy that talks to both Darcy and I. We don't know if he knows that we know each other...but regardless...he's a moron. Here's a sampling of our conversation tonight. If you know what he's saying, I'll give you a dollar. I think he's trying to be funny. He is not funny

To start, my info on AIM said "boys like you are overrated.."
T: i'm ovverated?
me: totally
T: y
T: hmm????
me: just cause
me: that's all
T: even me?
me: it's a line from a song that i've been singing all day and i liked the way that it sounds
T: lol i dfigured
me: good
T: lol ur crazy
me: i know
T: so whoever u ever tell a guy straight to his face that u cant have my # but u cna find me on myspace cause ur not 6'1"
me: what?
T: lol sorry
T: girls annoy me
me: sorry?
T: dont be
T: i jsut cant understand women
me: yeah, we're difficult
T: diffucult isnt the fuckign word
me: well, i try not to be difficult
me: i can't speak for every other girl
T: i jsut hate subtle hints
me: would you rather they be blunt hints?
me: well, tell her that you don't like hints?
T: yea and then she told me she only dates guys 6'1"
me: that is fucking lame
me: and the dumbest thing i've heard
me: and i've heard a lot of dumb things
T: yeah ur tellin me
T: i'm jsut gonna find a girl and throw aring no game sno bullshit lol
me: ah
T: taht's good no?
me: i don't know what you mean
T: i dunno i guess i'm talking crazy talk
T: i need a drink
T: i had my 1st jagr bomb..pretty good
T: i noly like red bull with alcohol
T: *only
me: ah
T: i'm sorry i'm doing mindless rambling
me: i can see that
T: i think u'd smack me right now if u could lol
me: i'd just want you to make sense
me: i'll smack anyone, i'm not picky
T: ok should i start fromt he top? lol
me: i'll still hit you
T: very warranted
T: thank go ur an hour from me
T: *god
me: exactly, otherwise i'd kick your ass 5 ways from monday
T: i want it to be saturday
me: why?
me: what's happening on saturday?
T: i;m not working lol
me ah
me: saturday i'm going to a concert in the city
T: who ya seein?
me: say anything
T: say what?
ne: that's the band
me: say anything
T: i know i was making a bad joke
me: yeah, no, that wasn't even funny
T: i'm not remotely funny at all if u havnt noticed

And at that point, I went invisble cause I couldn't take it anymore. My brain is crying. Hard


Anonymous said...

Wow that guy seems messed up....

Anonymous said...

Why do you engage with these people? I mean, For the Sake of the Blog is one thing, but goddamn, man. You actually lose brain cells talking to guys like that. And don't tell him you'd hit him, he sounds like he'd really enjoy that, and in fact I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he was saying.



Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA Oh my god that was pure horror. But on a good note, it was funny how not funny he was.

I'm so sorry you have to endure this pain!
