Not the red wagon as above, but the actual person. I twittered about my night and that made it kind of awesome. I might have maybe had a few too many beverages. I was okay though. My teacher's band rocked, as usual. My ears are ringing now and I have no voice left, but other than that, I'm no worse for the wear. He was very nice, a little bit more heavyset than his picture made him out to be. I have no issue with that cause I know you want to make yourself out to look hot. I was just saying. He seemed to enjoy himself and was liking the music. We only talked for a little bit cause it was so loud. Darcy went to the bathroom and we had a nice little moment alone. I didn't make out with him. I texted him before he got there that I was a hot mess. Mostly cause I was hot and sweaty and drunk and therefore, messy. He didn't seem to mind or care, which was good. Cause I didn't care if he did care. I haven't heard from him this morning, but that's kind of normal cause he works crazy hours. He's a sports writer in a newsroom and loves radio. So he's awesome. We talked about music briefly and I was buying him beers cause he got a new job and I told him I would. He told me next time the beers were on him. I also made super good friends with the bartender and he was getting me drinks as well. Love the bartender man. So, as usual, the Molly Darcy's experience was awesome. The next show is in late July and I don't know if I can make it. I have a lot of things going on that day.
There also was a strange man there that was dancing like a weeble. You remember weebles - "weebles wobble but they don't fall down". He kind of looked like the weeble in the picture, but only if it had dark hair. This large weeble man was gyrating around and we had to jump to get out of his gyrations. His dancing would have been more acceptable if he had a hula-hoop around his waist. But he didn't. He was just dancing away. He also had a horrible shirt on. But he was interesting.

In addition to the weeble man, there was this crazy former hippie guy there. He had a dirty beard and gross hair and he might have been smelly. But he was humping the speakers. Humping them. Like, crouching down and thrusting. And that was holy awkward. The first time I saw it I thought it was a fluke. Then he did it again. I made everyone watch. He was terrifying. He would come up behind people and be all in their business, watching them and humping them. He went after Darcy. I told her that if we were at a Dead show and we were all strung out on LSD, that might be okay. But we weren't, so it wasn't. It was just awkward
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