Suitor 6 - The Graduate - I'm calling him that because he graduated from my high school when I was a freshman. He's plenty nice. We've been talking a lot about music and what sort of things we like. He alerted me to a Katy Perry concert in the city last night (which I didn't go to in the end). He wanted to see if I wanted to get dinner sometime this week. He commutes from our hometown to the city every day, so we wouldn't be getting dinner until later. As I said, he's way into music and I like that. At first I thought we would be concert buddies but now I am confused. We'll see how this plays out.
Suitor 7 - Radio Flyer - Lilo called him that because we started talking because of our mutual love of radio. He would get my nonsense rambling messages on Match and just go with it, which I have to applaud him for dealing with. We've been talking online when we can and he amuses me. He's very nice. He's meeting up with me when I'm going out with Summer, her Husband and Darcy on Saturday night. He also suggested dinner this week but I told him that my commute was long (which it is) and that by the time I get home, I really have no patience for anyone. That kind of contradicts what I'm doing with The Graduate, but since dinner won't be until 8, I have enough time to cool down. Besides, Greenwich is far from Brookfield. It would take me all night to get from Greenwich to Brookfield.
Those are the men right now. We'll have to see how this works. I'll be sure to keep this blog updated as soon as I know what's up.
And on a total unrelated side note...every time I turn around, I swear Dickhole Pete's Brother is behind me. He works on the other side of the building so there is a chance he would be over here, but I swear, I see him like 10 times a day. And he's always leering at me or something. Today The Brewmaster and I were at the deli across the street. I was standing there ordering a salad and The Brewmaster whispers to me that I should turn around. I knew what was up though. I refused because I had a feeling it was Dickhole Pete's Brother. And it was. When I was telling The Brewmaster that DPB was everywhere I turned, he didn't believe me. Now he sees what I'm saying. Bastard
And totally unrelated, I found a picture of the man from the Sam Adams ads that I am totally in love with.

1 comment:
Awww i can't wait until i start getting suitors. I met one but we will see how that goes. It's great that you have 2 to choose from!
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