Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Darcy: And in other news, I think Chicken Killer is in love with me...
Me: oh no
Me: why do you say that?
Darcy: ahhahahah!
Darcy: Umm... because I'm the 'only girl he's talked to that isn't crazy"
Me: because he's not crazy or anything?
Darcy: Right.
Darcy: oh...I shoulda copied it, but I closed the window before I had a chance to think about it...
Me: damn you!
Me: how could you?
Darcy: it was just fantastic...and these things alluding to us dating or me being his girlfriend...
Me: because that was going to change your mind?
Me: Darcy, you're so not a team player
Darcy: At one point I was like, "You know, i'm not going to date you"
Me: and he said?
Me: OMG, is he related to trogdor?
Me: they both don't get when they're not wanted
Darcy: and he was like..."Why not?" Okay, then I'll ask you in a month...
Darcy: Later he was like, "Has it been a month yet?"
Darcy: To which I said..."You're certainly persistant."
Darcy: And he said...
Me: oh yes, a month is really going to change your mind
Darcy: "What's that mean?"
Me: NO
Darcy: Yes!
Me: is he a moron?
Me: i mean, i know he's a moron...but really?
Me: really?
Darcy: Well, I think he has an IQ around 90...which isn't impaired, but...well...
Darcy: Really... poor guy...
Me: don't take pity on him
Me: don't be a pity girlfriend
Darcy: Oh goodness, of course not...but I had to tell you!
Me: seriously, if someone used a word in an online conversation and i didn't know what they meant, i would look it up online
Darcy: Well, at least he asked?
Me: i don't know if that's better or worse
Darcy: I really do feel bad for the guy... but he's still okay to talk w/.
Me: really? you think he's still ok to talk with? he's a wreck
Darcy: Well, I guess I don't feel so bad as to ever meet him or give him my #...but you know what I mean...
Me: they like you, darcy. they like you because you're nice and you listen and you care
Darcy: Dude...I'd MUCH rather stay away from Smidge* than Chicken
Me: they don't like girls like me that would be like "you're dumb, go away"
Darcy: You're right...
Darcy: But I do care...
Darcy: But that doesn't mean I will bend to your will.
Me: they don't know that
Darcy: Well I think they (generally) figure it out after butting their head against a wall enough times...
Me: maybe
Darcy: Actually, that's usually one of the easier ways to figure out if they are a creep or not...
Me: oh?
Darcy: Like they're the sad creeps...not the I'm a sex fiend creep....
Darcy: I'll take sad over the other any day also.
Me: a creep is a creep
Darcy: Well, yes.
Darcy: "so I creep...yeah..just keep it on the down low..."
Me: sex pervert or not
Darcy: I don't really know the words to that song...

* Smidge is some other guy that just LOOOVES Darcy. He's dramatically dramatic. Whenever he talks to her, something is going on in his life that would make you feel bad for him, except these things are always happening. So he was in jail, beat his mom, his brother got hit by a car, he got shot at and one of his relatives has cancer. Or something. Darcy, please let me know if there's something I missed. I know I might be mean for saying all these things about this guy I don't know, but there are some things I don't tell to weird strangers from the interwebs.

In a totally unrelated note, Summer has decided that this summer's flirting theme is bartenders. Is she right? Oh for serious yes.

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