Monday, June 30, 2008

Darcy - the source of constant amusement

I don't know where Darcy finds these guys. Actually, I do. But it's like they are seeking her out because they think she will have low standards. Since she's friends with me, she has totally high standards. And these guys are gross. I didn't bother to change his name...cause I don't care enough.

Darcy: Or at least what it's near?
Mattthedragonking: new york
Mattthedragonking: wow you look like ur grandma (note: she's with my grandma in that picture. Don't ask me why she posted that one. But apparently I don't even look like my own grandma.)
Darcy: That's actually my friend's grandmother.
Darcy: It's like I'm in the family though...
Mattthedragonking: ohh
Mattthedragonking: maybe its the angel you looking uh, what?
Mattthedragonking: why would someone look at me from north calorlina
Darcy: Because they're interested in your profile?
Darcy: It doesn't matter where people are from...
Mattthedragonking: i know u view me
Mattthedragonking: but she 53 (Why can't people conjugate anything? Really.)
Mattthedragonking: i dont wanna be calling her mom
Darcy: I mean it's completely impractical, but it doesn't mean you
can't make friends or anything.... Hahhahaha!
Mattthedragonking: wow
Mattthedragonking: your smart and pretty
Darcy: ? Oh... well. thank you. That's very kind of you.
Mattthedragonking: thanks
Mattthedragonking: thats why i dont have a gf
Darcy: oh?
Mattthedragonking: i am to nice
Darcy: I think you're just going for the wrong type of girl....
Darcy: Cause I really don't understand why someone wouldn't
want someone who is nice....
Mattthedragonking: well i had an online gf
Darcy: I mean, who would want to be with a jerk?
Darcy: Oh?
Darcy: What happened w/ her?
Mattthedragonking: i dumped her because her mom said she coudlnt vist it
Mattthedragonking: like a month ago
Darcy: How old was she?
Mattthedragonking: 19
Darcy: Oooh.. I see.
Mattthedragonking: ya
Mattthedragonking: she still a child
Darcy: Well, I think that makes sense.
Mattthedragonking: we lasted a year
Darcy: Wow...
Mattthedragonking: ya
Darcy: Did she live nearby?
Mattthedragonking: maryland 260 miles away
Darcy: Oh geez!
Darcy: That's far!
Mattthedragonking: ya
Mattthedragonking: your only 77miles
Darcy: You've already mapped it out?
Mattthedragonking: well google did
Mattthedragonking: i wanted to know where wailton is (Creeper Alert!)
Darcy: Ha!
Darcy: Oh.. I see.
Mattthedragonking: do you like to swim
Darcy: That's funny you mention that....
Darcy: I actually went swimming today for the first time in over 2
Mattthedragonking: wow
Mattthedragonking: thats longer then i have
Darcy: Yeah... I don't really know why I haven't gone....
Mattthedragonking: i dont like the beach
Darcy: We're fortunate enough to have a pool....I just don't like
being wet...
Darcy: Yeah, sand is really annoying at the beach...
Mattthedragonking: so you dont shower
Darcy: Oh funny! I shower. I just don't like getting rained on or
sprayed w/ water or anything like that...
Mattthedragonking: rain
Mattthedragonking: is fun
Mattthedragonking: someone spraying isnt
Darcy: As long as I'm under an umbrella or inside...
Mattthedragonking: ok
Mattthedragonking: do you have aim
Darcy: Actually I do...
Mattthedragonking: ok
Darcy: You're welcome to IM me...I know POF is kinda difficult to
Darcy: at least for chatting.
Mattthedragonking: i will im you there but are you a veggitan (He spelled it wrong)
Darcy: A vegitarian? (And then she did too)
Darcy: Is it a problem if I am?
Mattthedragonking: person who dont eat meat
Darcy: Why, yes... How did you guess?
Mattthedragonking: ok becuz my name is a bit werid
Mattthedragonking: i dont know you just look it
Darcy: I'm not a crazy one though... Oh? Is it... Ikill and eat animals
Mattthedragonking: cool
Mattthedragonking: are you ready
Mattthedragonking: i am going im you now
Darcy: Yeah, I'm signed on...
Mattthedragonking: i knoww
Darcy: that's fine.

Then he found her on AIM. These are the parts that Darcy sent me. I also left his screename here because it's so fucking weird. So weird.

Chickenkiller52: you look younger then 24
Darcy: Hahhaa...
Darcy: Maybe it's because I work with kids... so I have a 10 year old mentallity.
Chickenkiller52: i hope ur not like that on a date

Chickenkiller52: i g2g
Chickenkiller52: if you want i will talk to u later
Chickenkiller52: like the next time i am on
Chickenkiller52: dinner is here
Chickenkiller52: mc doo doos (Does this bother anyone else as much as it bothers me? Mc Doo Doos? Seriously?)
Darcy: Cool.
Darcy: Nice chatting w/ you.
Darcy: Have fun!
Chickenkiller52: i will
Chickenkiller52: eating nuggets
Darcy: enjoy! BYE!
Chickenkiller52: thanks
Chickenkiller52: u want sum
Darcy: That's okay...thanks though!
Chickenkiller52: lol
Chickenkiller52: take care
Darcy: you too!
Chickenkiller52: *****hugs*****
Chickenkiller52: umm can i have a hug too
Darcy: Do I know you well enough to hug you? (Darcy in all her fabulousness is even a bit prudish on the internets)
Darcy: I'll give you a high five though. If you want.
Chickenkiller52: i am not a pick pocketer
Chickenkiller52: hugs are better
Chickenkiller52: ok
Chickenkiller52: fine hi-5
Darcy: Alright... *high fives*
Chickenkiller52: hugs
Chickenkiller52: lol
Darcy: Dude, go eat!
Chickenkiller52: ahha i huged u (He huged you good!)
Chickenkiller52: sorry
Chickenkiller52: i will eat
Chickenkiller52: :(
Darcy: okay.. Later!
Chickenkiller52: pc
Chickenkiller52: peace

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much for posting it...but thank you even more for the running commentary. It had me laughing really hard! I'm glad to have you laughing with me.
