Friday, June 13, 2008

Last night

So last night I went out with The Graduate. He's really very nice and kind of cute. As the pictures below show, he bought me some beautiful flowers. They smell so good and I was totally shocked that he would do that. Reaper was telling me how totally old school that is and he's right, it is. I don't expect things like that from guys in their 20s now. It really made me smile but then I realized I had to make up a reason as to why I would have them when I got home. They are in my room right now and I smiled really big when I woke up and saw them there.

We talked about music and growing up where we did. He told me about all the traveling that he's done (he's been to Iceland, Australia, India, New Zealand and I think a bunch of other places I forgot), his transfer from Uconn to U of Maryland, his degree in get the drift. We went to this really tasty chinese food place not too far from where we both live. After dinner, we went to the Greek festival down the street. We walked around for a bit but no one was really there. And I tripped on an extension cord but didn't fall down. Amazing.

We decided to go to the beach because I really wanted to go on the swings. Really. When we got to the beach it was like 9:30ish and all the really sketchy people were there. We walked down to the end of the pier and talked there for a while. Then we walked back down by the water and I stuck my feet in and hoped I didn't step on a piece of broken glass. That's the sort of luck I have. We then found some swings and were swinging for a bit. I cut my toe on a rock. I was bleeding. It was fantastic fun.

We went back to the car and he was really sweet and didn't try anything. He wasn't all trying to make out with me like Dickhole Pete and I really appreciated it. It's not that I didn't want that, but I felt so awkward, so I was glad that he didn't do that. When we left, he said that he would email me today and I was like "oh, okay. later!" and emails all morning. Or during lunch. Finally at like, almost 3 he emailed to say that he was really busy at work and just dropped me a quick note. Relief. Someone likes me. Or something. Who really knows?

Radio Flyer is Saturday night. Now that I have twittered my page, I can update from the bar on Saturday night. Does anyone else think that's a totally fantastic and horrible idea all at once?

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